Monday, March 30, 2009

Ski trip from you know where. We still had fun!

So alot of pictures, I will try to explain them all. Colby and I went up to Idaho with Katie for our friend Justin Gibbs 30th birthday. They got a cabin on a ski reasort so we planned on skiing our hearts out. First day I decided to give snowboarding a chance and ended up breaking my wrist two and a half runs down. I am a awsome snowboarder, picked it right up! So I was sent to the hospital and just decided it would be better if I just shopped the rest of the trip and hung out on pain pills. So I did. Next day Colby and Gibb didn't really get there feel for the skiing, so they went back. Im at lunch when Gibb calls me and askes if I can stop by the pharmacy and pick some meds up for Colby. Why I ask? Oh because Colby decided to hit a 25ft. table top and cleared the landing by 20 some odd feet, fell out of the sky about 30 feet and nearly killed himself. Humm... this is turning out to be quite the trip I thought to myself. So we ended up sitting in the cabin on drugs together. It was awsome!!! Sorry to Justin I bet you wish you would have invited different friends.

Colby was so high on pain pills he let Katie put make-up on him. I think that was Katie just taking advantage of a crippled person. Shame on you!

The only time you will see me up on a snowboard. Im sticking to skiing.

1 comment:

Kirsten and Cory said...

As scary as that trip turned out to made me chuckle! Only you two!!! But I have one question?? Why when Colby told his brothers the story about the "awesome" jump did he leave out the part about letting Katie put makeup on him. You may have opened a can of worms Becca! Seriously glad you guys are okay!